About this Ned guy

After more than 20 years as a writer, journalist, author, editor and syndicated humor columnist, the next chapter in my own writerโ€™s journey is helping other writers prepare their manuscript for the road ahead โ€” and to have some fun together while doing it.

In 1984, I graduated high school in Oregon and moved to Dallas, Texas, where I found groundbreaking work… as a bus boy! But I eventually made my way into the kitchen and was promoted to corporate chef for L&N Seafood Restaurant in 1987, traveling throughout the South, coordinating restaurant openings. Two years later in 1989, I was promoted to regional chef and moved to Atlanta, Ga., where I oversaw kitchen operations for 15 L&N Seafood locations throughout the Southern region.

But what does any of this have to do with his WRITING credentials? you may ask.

Nothing really, but aren’t you getting hungry?

During my years in the restaurant business, I continued to write, getting short stories published in dozens of small press magazines. In 1999, I was hired as the sports editor for Siuslaw News in Florence, Ore. I also began writing a humor column.

"Focused," "Dedicated" and "Marginally Excitable" are just some of the words used to describe his journalistic style.
“Focused,” “Dedicated” and “Marginally Excitable” are just some of the words used to describe my journalistic style.

During my time at Siuslaw News, I was awarded โ€œBest Local Columnโ€ from both the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association and the Society of Professional Journalists. I took my self-syndicated column online to newspapers in 2003. In 2013, my column became a syndicated feature with News Media Corporation. As punishment, I was then promoted to Editor-in-Chief in 2016.

I served as a volunteer firefighter with Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue from 2011 to 2021 and am the author of two books: Humor at the Speed of Life (2013), a collection of my columns; and Pearls of Writing Wisdom: From 16 shucking years as a columnist (2016), a writer’s survival guide offering tips, insights and inspiration gathered from more than two decades as a writer.

This past year (2022) after retiring from journalism, I established Easy Writer Novel & Manuscript Editing Services,  where my motto is “Helping writers prepare for the road ahead.” (and yes, I love riding my Harley.) I’m also currently working on my third book, a murder mystery set in Seattle titled “No Safe Harbor.”

My wife and I continue to live in a small town on the Oregon coast, along with our dog, several crows and entirely too many sea gulls.

209 thoughts on “About this Ned guy”

    1. Mary! I didn’t know you had a blog – I would love to follow it, but can’t seem to find it – your link brings me to your facebook page. (This is Jessica)

    1. Wow, thank you so much for including me on that terrific list of funny folks! I’m flattered and appreciative. And a little gassy. But mostly flattered and appreciative ๐Ÿ˜‰

  1. OMG…I’m going to love reading your stuff….hope you don’t mind another gushing fan. Though it appears that we live in different time zones, I hope you’ll consider loaning out your volunteer fire fighting skills–we have a few self-wired areas in our own home.

    1. I swear, for the first two years after I wired my home, every time there was a power outage (frequent in Oregon) I was convinced it was something I had wired wrong! That said, and considering the time zone factor, I could lone myself and my engine crew for a fire as long as we had a head start… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thanks, Dye! I visited your blog and the feeling is mutual. Love your honesty and writing style โ€” and the praises you have for your husband. Just like I’m sure he does, I consider myself a very lucky man. Looking forward to your posts ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Hi Ned! You have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award and the Dragonโ€™s Loyalty Award. For more on this, please visit my blog.

    Have a great Christmas and healthy and happy 2014!


  3. Ned,
    Thanks so much for speaking to Mapleton High School Students on January 13, 2014!
    The students thought that you were very enthusiastic, energetic, and very, very, funny! some of them have already read parts of your book and loved it! they want you to come back and speak about photography!
    Thanks again,

    1. Thanks so much, Cheryl I really enjoyed being there and having the chance to corrup… offer some insight to young minds. I’m really glad they’re enjoying the book, too. I’m sure it will become a part of Mapleton High School history, or at least help raise someone’s computer monitor to the right height. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I’d be happy to come back any time, so just let me know and I’ll be there ๐Ÿ™‚

      By the way, do you think you could send along a couple of photos from Monday? I might like to use one or two on my blog. I’d be happy to give a photo credit. If not, no worries ๐Ÿ™‚

      Thanks again!

  4. Any tips on how to get your writing published?

    I write just because I enjoy doing so, but my wife dreams of getting published (we’re both on disability– while I think it’s a worthy goal, I’m not entirely sure how realistic it is).

    1. Nothing wrong with having a dream. Each week, I write a post called My Nickel’s Worth on Writing. The very first one I did was about how I got started. I’m including the link. Check it out if you get the chance. If you have more questions, don’t hesitate to ask through my blog or email link.

      I hope this answers some of your questions!

    1. I couldn’t agree more, Shirley. Humor is so important for so many reasons in life, love and living life with an appreciative spirit. Plus when you’re laughing it makes other people wonder what they missed ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Since no one is watching… I guess I’ll have to tell you. I found your blog from your feature on the Suz’s Fellow Blogger series. I wish I had found it earlier. I enjoy humor, particularly with a focus on current events.

    Feel free to ignore the gravatar image which won’t grab your attention.

    I read your getting started post and found it enlightening. I have dreamed of creating a column but have never had the nerve to submit even a “letter to the editor”. Now, if I ever get the nerve, I’ll know how to handle the rejection at least.

    I’ll be looking forward reading more of your work.

      1. (grin) You shouldn’t be scared of the dental thing anymore. Taking the site to non-dental stuff from now on. I write for a dental magazine and told my editor I would be writing serious pieces for him from now on. I think he was relieved. Trying to balance the two worlds is weird.

        1. That sounds exciting, Eva ๐Ÿ™‚ By the way, speaking of balancing two worlds, I thought your piece on boobs in the dental chair was brilliant. I can understand why it got so much attention. Hysterical!

          1. (laughing) Thanks, Ned. That piece is still getting some mileage. Boob humor will always have its niche, right?

      1. I have a better place to be stuck in which I will be traveling to next week, Montana! You know, Big Sky Country where life is quiet and simple ๐Ÿ™‚

          1. Thank you! Going to be there for a month so lots of quiet time to write. Have a great evening! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Wow you have quite the spectacular ‘About.’ I agree – not a bad idea to be a fireman if you’re home is over 100 years old ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’ve visited many, many blogs and your blog is the first I’ve found using the same theme as mine – Splendio!

      1. Obviously!
        I must now prepare for an onslaught of crazy Italians headed my way for Eastering!
        Have a great weekend. Your publishing credentials are truly inspiring ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Sorry if I seem to be rifling through some of your older blogs with random ‘likes’ (I feel like a stalker) – just finding some interesting reading via different links. Anyways, I am glad I stumbled across your site, really enjoying some of your blogs and your sense of humour!

  8. Hey Ned, I live in Australia and stumbled across your blog a while back. It is great to find another writer with a warped and slightly wacky sense of humour! Thanks for the entertainment, your blogs are a great distraction for when I am supposed to be working. Cheers!

  9. This is just too funny! Can you tone it down? (I don’t really mean that, the tone it down part).

    My Hubby is also a Volunteer Fire Fighter. Thanks for you service.

    1. If I tried toning it down, it would probably just come out somewhere else. I think it’s safer this way ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Thanks for reading, and please give your husband a hearty and appreciative handshake on my behalf. Whatever happens after that is up to you guys, but let him know it’s not on my behalf anymore… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. After reading this and your comment on being like me in your 20s (with dangly bits) then I cannot wait to be you when I’m all grown up (or not so much grown up) ๐Ÿ˜›

    Have a gorgeous 2015!

    1. I’ll probably grow out before I grow up… and I’m doing my best to avoid too much of both ๐Ÿ˜‰

      And the same gorgeous wishes for you in the New Year, Kerri!

  11. Holy crap, a fellow Oregonian. (Hides coffee and beer stash.) I’ve been through Florence. I had to roll up my windows to avoid hearing loss from all the ATVs roaring around on the sand dunes but other than that, it was lovely.

    *It took three local librarians and a forester to locate the proper pronunciation for “Siuslaw” but I still don’t trust it.

                1. I’ll let you know when next I’m in The South. Hint: gas prices must be lower than a pint of Ben and Jerry’s to get me out into this heat and driving through (shudder) Eugene.

                  We could join parties at Devil’s Churn. I’d go to Devil’s Churn to see a dead squirrel, I love that place so much. https://allthoughtsworkoutdoors2.wordpress.com/2014/09/14/going-coastal-wavewatching-at-cape-perpetua-709/?preview=true&preview_id=1714&preview_nonce=a54186ecae&post_format=standard

                2. Devil’s Churn, Cook’s Chasm and Cape Perpetua are some of my favorite haunts. I’ll watch the gas prices and keepmy coffee cup handy, Anna ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Hey, Colleen! Sorry for the slow reponse. Thanks so much for the shout-out and including me on your list. It’s rainy and dark here in Oregon, so any kind of sunshine is welcome. I’m burried right now but will definitely do my part in sharing the sunshine just as soon as I can. I really enjoy your stuff, by the way, and as a 49-year-old with three teens, I need the laughs from a kindred spirit ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thanks again!

    1. Thanks, Rebecca โ€” but Suzyq96 beat you to it โ€” or maybe I’m just really, really lovely ๐Ÿ˜‰ And I’m really looking forward to what you and your team has put together tomorrow, too!

    1. The pleasure’s mine, Miriam. Whe. You mentioned “this morning” in a previous comment, I wondered where you were reading from. Great to have you here ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. I like it. Your blog. I look forward to seeing where life takes you and your entries. I took the long way around to writing also but not through the kitchen. How lucky your wife must be to have a chef in the house. My husband is most women’s dream “task completer” and makes me the envy of many friends. My son (almost 20 and one of triplets) is in college for EMS and plans to become a firefighter and whatever else he decides. So, there’s a little similarity in our stories. Happy to meet you.

    1. Thanks for reading, Lisa, and for the wonderful comments. As you said, it sounds like we have some similarities along our road to writing, as well as the spouses we’ve been blessed with. And congrats to your son for his chosen career! He sounds like a special man who’s going to contribute a lot ๐Ÿ˜‰

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