Tonight I’m attempting poetry for your vote; please be gentle

image For tonight’s third round of Performance of the Year competition at The Public Blogger, each of us remaining eight nominees has been asked to submit a piece in a genre outside of our comfort zone; but something we’d like to become better at. As I learned while wearing a red thong, me doing anything in a genre involving being nearly naked simply makes everyone ELSE uncomfortable. So artisticly expressive nude selfies were definitely out.

At a young age, I was inspired by the amazing imagery of T.S. Elliot. For this reason, I chose poetry. I wasn’t allowed to include humor in it, which meant I had to dig deeply. My first few attempts weren’t that great.

For examle:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Poetry is hard
See what I mean?

At any rate, I submitted my five-stanza poetry piece called “At The River’s Edge” and it will premier tonight at 7 p.m., along with the other talented nominees’ new works in areas outside of their normal genre of creativity. There will be sculpture, videos, music, paintings and song lyrics.

Incidentally, no one chose “humor writing,” by the way.

Just saying… *cough cough*

To all of you, I continue to be appreciative and humbled by your amazing support in this endeavor (or “indeavour” for those of you in Canada). I have to say, this week’s challenge forced me to tap into a different part of myself. I’ve mentioned before how I believe comedy and tragedy are intertwined; that they are two side of the same coin. It comes down to choosing which side you want to see the world from. “At The River’s Edge” is my view from a side I rarely walk on.

I look forward to sharing this part of myself with you. Lord knows I’ve already shared some parts many of you wish you could unsee…

Anyway, once the link for voting goes live, I will post it here and on my Facebook pages. Voting continues until 10 a.m. Monday morning.

Because I can’t say it enough: Regardless of how things add up after voting ends, your support in getting me this far is something I’ll never forget. I wrote on Friday about how blogger and other social media friends are often viewed as “imaginary.” Because of your support, I have been at the top of this competition for two weeks.

Thank you for providing more encouragement and hope than I could have ever “imagined.”


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Ned's Blog

I was a journalist, humor columnist, writer and editor at Siuslaw News for 23 years. The next chapter in my own writer’s journey is helping other writers prepare their manuscript for the road ahead. I'm married to the perfect woman, have four great kids, and a tenuous grip on my sanity...

34 thoughts on “Tonight I’m attempting poetry for your vote; please be gentle”

    1. We’ll see if yo still feel that way later! Haha! Yes, I’ll post again tonight around 7:15 when the link for voting goes live — and thanks, Michelle 😉

  1. Poetry is in the mind of those obsessed with rhyme,
    They make riddles of life and that, dear sir is a crime.
    Haiku and rap are forms of expression
    but true poetry is a form of obsession.

    Be creative and strong,
    There is no wrong.
    Change it about and
    write your life song.

  2. Dear Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned Ned
    Leaving a comfort zone is what keeps you ahead
    So perhaps you should’ve gone with those naked selfies instead

    See how easy poetry is?

    Good luck on the other side of that coin!

    1. It was an interesting exercise to be sure. Like visiting a place you’d seen photos of but never been before. I take photos for a living and make videos; I already play guitar and write music; and draw — so for me poetry was new territory. I enjoyed the experience but yes: making comparisons is tough in this situation.

    1. Considering the source, that means a lot. Thanks very much, Oscar. It was way out of my normal realm, but one I enjoyed visting. I’m definitely planning a return trip at some point 😉

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